
aerglo fintech

branding, product & app/UI design

branding, product & app design

Aerglo Financial Technologies is a prepaid business expense card, but unlike traditional prepaid cards AFT allows a business to have complete control of their spending habits and the spending habits of their employees with set rules and spending automation.

As Lead Design and Communications Specialist, I was responsible for designing, developing, and implementing the branding, marketing strategy, and UI/UX for the company’s financial application.

My vision was to create a clear and uncluttered application that would allow management and financial departments to easily visualize incoming and outgoing expenses, make instant transactions for reimbursement, and communicate with employees through chat functionality. I used graphs and charts to provide users with a visual representation of their financial data.

The design of the application was later sourced to overseas for development, but I remained involved in the process to ensure that my vision was carried out.

I am proud to have been a part of the Aerglo team, and I am excited to see the impact that this application will have on Aboriginal businesses and communities.

marketing presentation

With Guidance for the  branding vision & in-house marketing team, I was asked to design a Powerpoint Presentation to be made to potential investors and explain the uses and benefits vs FInTech Competition and what will give Aerglo a competitive advantage.